CAGE OF BONES reviewed in Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine!

TWO SALES TO REPORT: A story I wrote specifically for the Twilight Tales anthology Freaks, Geeks and Other Sideshow Floozies has been accepted for the book. “…And Then Some” will hit the streets when Freaks debuts at the 2002 World Horror Convention. I also recently placed a story called “The Strong Will Survive” in Space and Time magazine. Look for that to appear in a year or so. In other news…I’ve survived the first two…

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WHC 2002 Program Book Editor… that’s me!

SEATTLE MAY BE just a memory now, but Chicago looms just around the corner. Yep, the 2002 World Horror Convention is in my backyard, and over the summer I volunteered to help out with its organization. Consequently, this weekend I found myself sitting down with a spreadsheet figuring out what will be appearing in the souvenir program book for the con…and who will write it! WHC 2002 Program Book Editor, that’s my new title! I’m…

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New story in TRANSVERSIONS, Readings at Twilight Tales

IT’S BEEN A GREAT week for my mailbox! I received my contributor’s copies of the new Canadian TransVersions anthology, which puts my short story “Calling of the Moon” in the company of fiction by Nebula Award winners Robert J. Sawyer and Bruce Holland Rogers. The book also includes fiction and poetry from Jack Fisher, Rebecca M. Senese, Denise Dumars, Steven Sawicki, Nancy Bennett, Don Hornbostel and many more. For ordering information and photos of the…

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My first hardcover collection is now available!

Cage of Bones & Other Deadly Obsessions

JUST IN TIME FOR Friday the 13th AND Halloween, Delirium Books has released Cage of Bones and Other Deadly Obsessions, a hardcover collection of my more extreme short horror fiction — both new and previously published — with the interior color art shown here. You can read all about it and order it through the Delirum web site at I gave a reading of “Bloodroses,” one of the book’s new stories during the World Horror…

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My new “Bug Music” column is out now in TALEBONES

MY FIRST “BUG MUSIC” column for Talebones is now out in issue #18. Of course, that means it’s time to sit down and write the next one <G>. Today I saw the first rough illustration ideas for the inside cover of my fiction collection, Cage of Bones and Other Deadly Obsessions, due this summer from Delirium Books. They look great — I’ll post the final one here as soon as it’s finalized. Over the weekend…

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New story in Nasty Snips…and a Talebones Announcement!

THE BIG NEWS FOR me fiction-wise this winter is having my short story “Mirror Image” appear in the British anthology Nasty Snips, a collection of “short-short” stories which include tales from D.F. Lewis, Gerard Daniel Houarner, Cathy Buburuz, Shikhar Dixit and John Platt, and many others. To order the book, check out the Pendragon Press Publishing website or Coming in early 2000, I’m proud to be taking over the Talebones “Bug Music” column for…

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I’m now a Fiction Editor at DARK REGIONS!

WELL, SUMMERS ARE traditionally slow times for both acceptances and writing for me. I was recently in San Francisco for 9 days on business and began a new fantasy story there about a woman and the moon. (It’s actually based in part on a conversation I held with a fascinating British lady on the plane going out there.) So what news do I have? I’m currently copy editing a new Joe Lansdale collection for Necro…

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“Pumpkin Head” published in GRUE

SOME GOOD NEWS over the past couple months! In March, the latest issue of Grue Magazine appeared, including my “Pumpkin Head” story as its lead-off tale. And this past week, the April 1999 issue of E-Scape appeared, including my story “Grandma Wanda’s Belly Jelly.” In other “web” news, I signed an agreement a few weeks ago with to host “spoken word” versions of some of my newspaper Pop Stops music columns. The first batch…

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New Year… New Position at Dark Regions… and a new Blog

WELL, TIME TO CLEAR the decks. I’ve decided to clear the Journal plate of 1997-1998 entries and start anew.  And so we begin… So what’s going on with me? A LOT! I seem to be on a fiction glut of late. At the start of the year, Bobbi Sinha-Morey offered me the chance to help her and her publisher-husband Joe Morey as an Assistant Fiction Editor for Dark Regions magazine. So suddenly, after contributing to…

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