Cover Reveal: The Bloodstained Doll

ON OCTOBER 8, my 15th novel, The Bloodstained Doll, will be released in hardcover, paperback and e-book editions by Flame Tree Press. It’s another horrific murder-mystery thriller in the vein of my last Flame Tree release, Five Deaths for Seven Songbirds.

Meant to celebrate the crazy giallo thrillers of Italy from the 1970s, I have really enjoyed writing these two novels and I hope you’ll enjoy reading them! So… without further ado… here’s what it will look like when it hits shelves this fall:

The Bloodstained Doll by John Everson

So what’s this one about?

Here’s what the cover copy will say:

When Allyson’s mom dies unexpectedly, she thinks her world has hit rock bottom. But that’s before she goes to live with her estranged Uncle Otto in Germany. When a child’s empty casket is unearthed in the backyard during a violent storm, suddenly people close to her uncle start turning up dead.

Is there a connection?

As the noose tightens and murders draw closer to Berger Mansion, Allyson and her new boyfriend Andrew discover a dark truth hidden in the attic. Soon their lives are at stake if they don’t discover why each broken body is decorated with… a Bloodstained Doll.

The novel is available for pre-order now, so if you’re looking forward to this one, please pre-order and help make sure it has a good launch this fall!




Visit store sites or learn more on the book page for The Bloodstained Doll.

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