Meeting Ramsey Campbell at Hypericon

I BOUGHT MY FIRST Ramsey Campbell novel, Ancient Images, over 20 years ago. I loved the perfect combination of mystery and dread it displayed, with a classic celluloid theme as a backdrop. This weekend, I not only got Ramsey Campbell to sign that well-worn book, I took him and his wife Jenny to dinner on behalf of Hypericon, a Nashville Convention where he was the guest of honor. Not only did I get to introduce…

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CREEPTYCH to Hypericon

LAST SATURDAY, when I got home from taking my son Shaun to his first Chicago Cubs game (where my Cubbies trounced arch enemies the St. Louis Cardinals!) I found a box sitting on the porch from Delirium Books. I cracked the tape open to find a stack of my new mini-hardcover short story collection Creeptych. A three-story collection of “buggy” stories, this book is close to my heart, as it resuscitates the mothballed Delirium hardcover chapbook format…

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