World Horror Convention 2013 / Bram Stoker Awards

AT THE START, it always seems like you have all the time in the world… and then suddenly, it’s over and everyone’s on a plane back home. World Horror Convention 2013 in New Orleans was no different… this was my 11th World Horror Con, and a special one for me, since my novel NightWhere was a Bram Stoker Awards finalist for best novel (the awards were held Saturday night). THURSDAY I flew in Thursday morning…

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Vigilantes of Love in paperback again!

THE 10TH ANNIVERSARY edition of Vigilantes of Love, my 2nd short story collection, came out in e-book a couple months ago, and now I’m happy to announce that it’s also available once again as a trade paperback.  The book includes an updated cover (using elements of the original, but rearranging them a bit), a new preface from me (about the book and the decade since its release) and six stories that were originally considered for…

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BEER SNOB: Ann Arbor and Calgary

OVER THE PAST couple weeks, I’ve been to Ann Arbor, Michigan and Calgary, Canada on business trips. Both turned out to be great micro-brew towns, with a handful of small breweries all within a few blocks of each other. So over the course of a few days I poked my head in, snapped a couple pictures and sampled a variety of ales.  It was a great beer snob adventure! Click on any of the pictures…

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BEER SNOB: Seattle

I travel a lot both for my dayjob and book promotion… and I love tasting good craft beer. So that means I end up trying a lot of different brews in a lot of different places. I’ve been posting snippets and pictures periodically over the past few years, especially on Facebook, about my various discoveries. But I was thinking after my last flurry of travel that I should start a separate topic on this blog…

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