Voodoo Heart Blog Tour

Voodoo Heart Blog Tour

MY PUBLISHER, FLAME TREE PRESS, has staged a Blog Tour to support the release of Voodoo Heart this week, and the first few entries have been awesome. Many of these reviews have also turned up on Amazon and Goodreads. Readers seem to really be enjoying the novel’s mix of mystery and voodoo and horror! I’ll post excerpts and links here as the tour continues: DAY 1: Oct. 19 The Book Lover’s Boudoir called the book…

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It’s V-Day: Voodoo Heart is now available from bookstores everywhere!

Today is the official Release Day of my 12th novel of horror and the macabre! TODAY IS THE RELEASE DAY for my new Flame Tree Press novel, Voodoo Heart. I’m anxious to hear what you think of it! This New Orleans detective / voodoo curse novel has been a long time in coming — I wrote “Vigilantes of Love,” the short story that inspired the novel, 17 years ago! So far, the reviews have been…

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