JUST IN TIME FOR Friday the 13th AND Halloween, Delirium Books has released Cage of Bones and Other Deadly Obsessions, a hardcover collection of my more extreme short horror fiction — both new and previously published — with the interior color art shown here. You can read all about it and order it through the Delirum web site at www.deliriumbooks.com.
I gave a reading of “Bloodroses,” one of the book’s new stories during the World Horror Convention this past spring in Denver, and will be doing another at the Twilight Tales horror reading series on November 13th at the Red Lion in Chicago.
My summer seems to have slid away into a blurred abyss thanks to moving (we moved in July but the two months leading up to and away from it seemed to include nothing but work, boxing, painting, contracts, more painting unboxing and, of course, work). However, one other bit of publishing news did come about over the summer. My story “Dragon’s Teeth” appeared in a 7-Realms Publishing chapbook at DragonCon called Do Virgins Taste Better and Other Dragon Tales. The story is also slated to appear in the publisher’s new magazine Realities Escape.
And 7-Realms also recently bought my story “Frost” for a future chapbook publication.