It’s the John Everson Super Cyber-Week Sale!

THIS WEEK, THE E-BOOK editions of nearly all of my books are on sale on Amazon! Redemption, The Family Tree, NightWhere, Violet Eyes, Violet Lagoon, Field of Flesh and Sacrificing Virgins are all just 99 cents! Covenant, Sacrifice and The 13th are just $1.49! It’s the John Everson Super Cyber-Week Sale! Plus – Cage of Bones & Other Deadly Obsessions is… FREE! I’m hoping lots of new readers will discover my work this week during…

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New Novel News: THE HOUSE BY THE CEMETERY coming from Flametree!

LAST MONTH, I SIGNED a contract for my 10th novel, The House by the Cemetery, with a new imprint from a long established UK house, Flametree Publishing. I’ll once again be working with Don D’Auria, my editor from Leisure Books and Samhain Publishing, and am proud to say I was the first author to finalize a deal for the new venture, which will also include my Samhain pals Jonathan Janz and Hunter Shea. Early promotion…

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A Horror Reunion – HorrorHound 2017

I HAVE GROWN to really love HorrorHound Weekend in Indianapolis as much as I love my own hometown Flashback Weekend Convention. I started going to HorrorHound a few years ago because my last publisher, Samhain Publishing, was a major sponsor and so they had a large space at the front of one of the exhibit halls… and six to eight of their authors hung out at the table all weekend signing books.  But when Samhain…

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NightWhere novelette “Field of Flesh” e-book released!

“FIELD OF FLESH,” my NightWhere tie-in novelette, is finally available as a standalone e-book with its own cover! (Click the cover at right to see a larger version of the art.) Field of Flesh and NightWhere, the original novel, are both just 99 cents on Amazon this week to celebrate the new release! The story leading to this release goes back quite awhile. Four years ago, in the spring of 2013, my novel NightWhere was…

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VIOLET EYES and THE FAMILY TREE are on a 99 Cent Sale on Amazon!

THIS WEEK, THERE’S a big 99 cent sale e-book promotion to “re-launch” the new editions of my 7th novel, Violet Eyes and my 8th novel The Family Tree, now that they both have new covers and are published by Dark Arts Books. Violet Eyes, is an ode to the “Creature Features” movies I used to watch as a kid. Spiders. Flies… creepy cocoons…. It’s an apocalyptic bug sci-fi thriller! Violet Eyes was featured on the…

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BACK IN PRINT: NightWhere, Violet Eyes, The Family Tree and Sacrificing Virgins

MY FOUR BOOKS FOR Samhain Publishing — NightWhere, Violet Eyes, The Family Tree and Sacrificing Virgins — are at last, fully back in print — three of them with new cover art!      At the start of January, Samhain, my publisher of the past six years, began to close up shop (they’re now fully out-of-business).  That took my last four releases temporarily out-of-print. I decided to re-issue them on my own imprint, Dark Arts Books,…

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Le Pacte Des Suicides (COVENANT) wins the Masterton Award in France!

YESTERDAY, I WAS SURPRISED (and pleased!) to learn that the translation edition of my first novel, Covenant, won the Masterton Award in France! Translated by Thomas Bauduret and released in France by Riviere Blanche as Le Pacte Des Suicides, the novel was chosen in the Translated Novels category. The Masterton Awards recognize excellence in publications in French “fantastic” literature. Previous winners in the translation category include Joe Hill, China Miéville, Gary Braunbeck, José Carlos Somoza, Isaka Kotaro, Jack Ketchum, Guillermo Del Toro…

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REDEMPTION, at last!

Redemption, by John Everson

THIS ONE’S BEEN a long time in coming. Ten years, to be exact.  But today, my ninth novel, Redemption, became fully available on (the e-book hit last week, the trade paperback was released today). My second novel, Sacrifice, originally came out in a limited hardcover edition a decade ago, back in 2007… and as soon as that book was released, I wanted to revisit the world of reporter Joe Kieran, Alex, the troubled teen girl who…

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Kickstart my heart… it’s finally time for some REDEMPTION!

I HAVE BEEN WAITING a really long time to be able to say this: In about six weeks, my new novel, Redemption, will finally be published. And I’m going to be spending the next month getting ready! Last night, I launched a Kickstarter Campaign that will run throughout the month of December to support the launch of Redemption, and, hopefully get signed copies of it into the hands of anyone reading this. Redemption is my 9th novel, and the long-awaited…

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