“Strong Will Survive” released in French

LOOK WHAT CAME in the mail today, all the way from France! A copy of MYTHOLOGICA, a special preview “Issue 0” edition of a new gorgeously illustrated trade paperback-size French magazine.

It features a translation of my story “The Strong Will Survive,” which was originally published in Space & Time magazine and then in my collection Needles & Sins.

Huge thanks to Thomas Bauduret for buying and translating it for this release. Thomas also has translated Covenant into French, for an upcoming release there.

Here’s their site: http://www.mythologica.net/mythologica-n0-couverture-finale-et-sommaire/

About John Everson

John Everson is a Bram Stoker Award-winning horror author with more than 100 published short stories and 14 novels of horror and dark fantasy currently in print. His first novel, Covenant, won the Bram Stoker Award for a First Novel in 2005. His sixth novel, NightWhere, was a Bram Stoker Finalist in 2013. Its sequel, The Night Mother, was released in June 2023.

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