BEER SNOB: Seattle

I travel a lot both for my dayjob and book promotion… and I love tasting good craft beer. So that means I end up trying a lot of different brews in a lot of different places. I’ve been posting snippets and pictures periodically over the past few years, especially on Facebook, about my various discoveries. But I was thinking after my last flurry of travel that I should start a separate topic on this blog…

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Remembering Chile

DURING THE LAST WEEK in February 2013, I flew to Santiago, Chile for a week-long business trip. I’ve never been to South America before, and really didn’t know what to expect. People (and the Internet) insisted that folks in Santiago would have a good smattering of English, since it’s a cosmopolitan city and they’re teaching it now in as a second language in schools. I was hopeful for that, since my second language choice in…

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From Munchen with Love! A Trip To Munich, Germany

NINE MONTHS AGO at my dayjob, the idea came up that I should attend a convention in Munich, Germany this spring. At first I didn’t take it too seriously. I travel domestically a lot for the dayjob, but there was talk of going to China last year too, but that didn’t come about.  I’ve never left North America aside from visiting Hawaii, so I didn’t think this trip would pan out in the end. either.…

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My 2011… A Travelogue

THE WEEK AFTER CHRISTMAS is always a week of cleanup for me. Putting away the remnants of one year to prepare for another. I spend hours organizing and backing up computer files, updating my iPod, cleaning off my desk from weeks of detritus… and I also think back a lot on the last 12 months. Of the things unanticipated. Of the dreams met, and dreams lost. We only get so many seasons, and I think…

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Ahhh… Nashville beer

SO. TWO AND A HALF years ago, I stopped in Nashville for a night while driving — on my way to my first Dragon*Con in Atlanta. It was the week Covenant, my first novel was released in mass market paperback, and so, I ended up doing the very first booksigning for my novel in Nashville at the West End Borders Books. On my way driving into town to that Borders, I passed a brewpub a…

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A Visit to Makers Mark (The Road to Dragon*Con, Part 2)

I SURVIVED the roach. I never saw him again. Though… perhaps he got off the floor of that dingy hotel room after I clobbered him with the TV remote and crawled down my throat to get his vengeance while I was sleeping… because today, the area of my tonsils feels like it’s been sandpapered. Yep, I’ve got the post-con, didn’t-sleep-for-four-days blues. And another busy weekend coming up to boot — a newspaper interview and booksigning tomorrow night and a…

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