Category: Travel
San Francisco Ho!
Roadtrip to Indy & Cincy
A Visit to Makers Mark (The Road to Dragon*Con, Part 2)
Attacking the Dragon (The Road to Dragon*Con ’08 Part 1)
PEOPLE HAVE TOLD me for years that I should go to Dragon*Con in Atlanta, but I never found a good reason – while it’s a huge convention (30,000+ attendees) – it’s known for being a SF/F/Gaming con, not a horror home. Nevertheless, this year when I found out Covenant was being released…
Dark Delicacies Signing 2008 Or, Why I Love L.A.
2003 took me from the North Woods to San Diego brush fires
San Francisco Ho!
Roadtrip to Indy & Cincy
A Visit to Makers Mark (The Road to Dragon*Con, Part 2)
Attacking the Dragon (The Road to Dragon*Con ’08 Part 1)

PEOPLE HAVE TOLD me for years that I should go to Dragon*Con in Atlanta, but I never found a good reason – while it’s a huge convention (30,000+ attendees) – it’s known for being a SF/F/Gaming con, not a horror home. Nevertheless, this year when I found out Covenant was being released…