THE PUMPKIN MAN is a horror thriller featuring a Ouija Board and a mysterious killer who cuts off the heads of his victims and replaces them with pumpkins carved in the likeness of their faces. It was my fifth and final novel for Dorchester Publishing, and it’s a story I’ve…
SEVEN YEARS AGO, we brought him home from the pet store in a small box with holes for air in it. My son Shaun had fallen for him and so our house was soon filled with the happy warbles of a parakeet for the first time in many years. My…
SO LAST WEEKEND, I got home late Saturday night from a work trip to Vegas. But I didn’t stay put for long. After a one-day rest, on Monday, I rented an SUV and drove four hours to Ann Arbor, Michigan. The reason? Meteor. Meteor is a pinball table that I’ve…
I HAD TO GO to Las Vegas for a couple days this week to work at a meeting for my dayjob. I’m not a gambler, so Vegas doesn’t hold the allure for me that it does for many, but it is a fun place to wander around in. You can’t…