21 Nights of Giallo: Week Three

21 Nights of Giallo - All The Colors Of The Dark

WELCOME TO WEEK THREE of 21 Nights of Giallo! Over the past 14 nights of reviews, I covered movies from Dario Argento, Mario Bava, Lucio Fulci, Luciano Ercoli, Sergio Martino and more. I’ve been reviewing a classic Italian giallo film every night this month, as a fun lead-up to the…

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21 Nights of Giallo: Week Two

21 Nights of Giallo - A Bay Of Blood

21 NIGHTS OF GIALLO continues with Week Two! I am reviewing a classic Italian giallo film every night in March, as a fun lead-up to the March 22nd release of my 13th novel Five Deaths For Seven Songbirds. I love giallo films, and my novel pays tribute to them… so…

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21 Nights of Giallo: Week One

21 Nights of Giallo

A survey of some of the best classic giallo films from directors Dario Argento, Lucio Fulci, Sergio Martino, Umberto Lenzi and more! Week One features A Lizard in a Woman’s Skin, What Have You Done To Solange?, Death Laid an Egg, Puzzle, So Sweet…So Perverse, The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh and Deep Red.

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A Summer To Get Bond-ed

THIS WAS THE SUMMER OF BOND. I think my son Shaun and I will always think of it that way somehow. But last weekend, the Summer of Bond came to an end — kind of fittingly really, since it was the weekend after Labor Day, a holiday which always kind…

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Discovering the claws of PETS…

I LOVE FILM, and over the years I’ve gone through many “discovery” phases, where my curiosity drives me to focus on watching a particular genre of movies for an extended time (horror, noir, b/w ’50s sci-fi…). Over the past few years, I’ve been obsessed with European horror, drive-in, grindhouse and…

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Best Movies I Saw in 2015

SO, A LOT OF authors this week have been posting their Top 10 lists of Best Books Read in 2015 and I feel like I should follow suit, but honestly… I haven’t read 10 books in the past year. If I posted a Top 5 list, that would probably encompass…

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