Keep Austin Weird

I’VE NOT EVER KEPT it a secret that if given the choice, I’d relocate to Austin or San Francisco in a heartbeat. They are my two favorite cities in the U.S.  So you can imagine how happy I’ve been for the past five days since I got to run a business meeting…

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2008 award polls in progress

EVERY YEAR, A GRASSROOTS group puts on the “Preditors and Editors” poll via the Internet and does a broad tally of bookloving fans on what books and stories they liked over the previous year. The P&E poll is a quick one — open for just the first two weeks of January. My…

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Horror New Year!

2008 IS GONE.  I’ll miss it. But 2009 is shaping up to be a great year too. Leisure Books will be releasing my second novel Sacrifice at the end of April, while my third novel, The 13th, will be issued in a limited hardcover edition from Necro Publications this spring…

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