
I’VE GOT BUGS on the brain. Today, The Horror Mall unveiled my new short fiction collection Creeptych. I’ve been hinting at this one for awhile (I started writing the final piece for the collection last fall). A three-story book focused on things with appetite and a lot of legs, this one is available…

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Turning 44 in ‘Frisco!

LAST WEEKEND, I FLEW out to San Francisco for  four days to run a seminar for my dayjob. The last day of the trip happened to coincide with my birthday,  so I took the   opportunity to stay over in the city a few hours on Sunday and walk around a…

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Signing THE 13TH on the 13th!

TOMORROW NIGHT at 6 p.m., I’ll be celebrating the eve of my 44th birthday by doing a short fiction reading and booksigning in one of my favorite cities and at one of my favorite bookstores in the country, Borderlands Books, in San Francisco. Yep, it’s another event for The 13th…

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Interview with Jeffrey Thomas

LAST WEEK, one of my favorite authors, Jeffrey Thomas, interviewed me for his blog (you can read my responses to his interview here if you’re so inclined). It occurred to me while answering his questions that, having read a lot of Jeff’s work over the years — and even publishing…

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The Punktowner Inquisition!

JEFFREY THOMAS, one of my favorite authors (and probably best known for his Punktown novels) put me under the interview inquisition spotlight this week, and just posted the resulting interview  – complete with pictures! – here: I’ve had a few things I’ve wanted to ask Jeff over the years though……

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