Month: January 2015
Pinewood Derby Creative Streak Continues!
I WAS BUMMED I couldn’t be there for the race (currently on a business trip), but I’m excited that Shaun continued his streak of winning “Creative” awards for his Pinewood Derby Car. This is the 4th “video game” car I’ve helped him build for the annual Cub Scout Pinewood Derby…
THE FAMILY TREE sprouts up on “Best Of” lists!
I’M PRETTY EXCITED that the Horror Novel Reviews web site picked my 8th novel, The Family Tree, as one of their Top 10 Horror Novels of 2014! The list includes books by Stephen King, Joe R. Landsdale and Eric Red. You can see the full list and book descriptions here:…
Happy New Year… already?
Pinewood Derby Creative Streak Continues!
I WAS BUMMED I couldn’t be there for the race (currently on a business trip), but I’m excited that Shaun continued his streak of winning “Creative” awards for his Pinewood Derby Car. This is the 4th “video game” car I’ve helped him build for the annual Cub Scout Pinewood Derby…
THE FAMILY TREE sprouts up on “Best Of” lists!
I’M PRETTY EXCITED that the Horror Novel Reviews web site picked my 8th novel, The Family Tree, as one of their Top 10 Horror Novels of 2014! The list includes books by Stephen King, Joe R. Landsdale and Eric Red. You can see the full list and book descriptions here:…