Month: June 2012
Famous Monsters Book Review: NightWhere by John Everson
June 25, 2012 By Peter Schwotzer NightWhere by John Everson (Samhain Publishing) She yearned to go beyond… but some curtains should never be opened. When Rae broached the idea of visiting an underground sex club, Mark didn’t blink. He should have. Because NightWhere is not your usual swingers club. Where…
Jonathan Janz stole my blog – with Fearsome Supernatural Women!
The June Horror releases from Samhain Publishing this month are my novel NightWhere and Jonathan Janz’s House of Skin. So to celebrate our newfound status as the June standard-bearers of horror, Jonathan and I decided to trade blogs today. You’ll find a post from me over at Jonathan’s place. And…
Chicks Dig Books – Book Review: NightWhere
17 Jun 2012 By Jen in New Release Reviews Tags: BDSM, demonic, fiction, horror, pleasure and pain, sex, sex club NightWhere by John Everson (Kindle edition 6/5/12, paperback 10/2/12) “Are you the harvester, or the harvest?” A little sexual experimentation is fine, but the wrong kind can get you killed…or worse. …
Printers Row 2012… Plus!
NIGHTWHERE debuts today!
MY SIXTH NOVEL, NightWhere, debuts today in e-book format on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and all the other major vendors. If you’re reading this blog and have enjoyed any of my other erotic horror adventures, I hope you’ll take a minute and download a copy of NightWhere today — If…
DucKon 21: Finally Legal
From Munchen with Love! A Trip To Munich, Germany
Famous Monsters Book Review: NightWhere by John Everson

June 25, 2012 By Peter Schwotzer NightWhere by John Everson (Samhain Publishing) She yearned to go beyond… but some curtains should never be opened. When Rae broached the idea of visiting an underground sex club, Mark didn’t blink. He should have. Because NightWhere is not your usual swingers club. Where…
Jonathan Janz stole my blog – with Fearsome Supernatural Women!

The June Horror releases from Samhain Publishing this month are my novel NightWhere and Jonathan Janz’s House of Skin. So to celebrate our newfound status as the June standard-bearers of horror, Jonathan and I decided to trade blogs today. You’ll find a post from me over at Jonathan’s place. And…
Chicks Dig Books – Book Review: NightWhere

17 Jun 2012 By Jen in New Release Reviews Tags: BDSM, demonic, fiction, horror, pleasure and pain, sex, sex club NightWhere by John Everson (Kindle edition 6/5/12, paperback 10/2/12) “Are you the harvester, or the harvest?” A little sexual experimentation is fine, but the wrong kind can get you killed…or worse. …
Printers Row 2012… Plus!
NIGHTWHERE debuts today!
MY SIXTH NOVEL, NightWhere, debuts today in e-book format on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and all the other major vendors. If you’re reading this blog and have enjoyed any of my other erotic horror adventures, I hope you’ll take a minute and download a copy of NightWhere today — If…