…And the Halloween Winner is…

I’VE HAD A BLAST this week participating in my 3rd Coffin Hop! Over the course of this week, we’ve talked about nothing, spiders, horror movies, horror books, jack-o-lanterns, costumes, and visited the PumpkinMan Ouija board… and everyone who posted to one of those blogs was entered into a daily contest,…

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Coffin Hop 2013: Time for Jack!

TODAY IS WEDNESDAY… It’s Halloween Eve and the the seventh day of the Coffin Hop! I hope you’ve scored some goodies on the various blogs participating in the sites on the Hop so far! I entered a couple contests myself last night. So far, Sandy Czernik, Lori Parker, Kate, Sheila…

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Coffin Hop 2013: The day of the Pumpkin!

IT’S THE SUNDAY BEFORE Halloween and the fourth day of the Coffin Hop!  Halfway there! Hopefully if you’re reading this right now, you’re already hip to the Hop… but if not, please read my post explaining what’s going on from Friday. I am participating in the Coffin Hop for the…

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The Spiders are here: VIOLET EYES

SO, WHILE I’VE BEEN out-of-pocket traveling the past couple days, it appears that the spiders all got loose! Yep – My seventh novel, VIOLET EYES, is now available in both e-book and trade paperback from all the usual places! * Amazon * B&N * Books-A-Million * Chapters-Indigo * Samhain This…

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