NightWhere press

IT’S BEEN SIX WEEKS since NightWhere hit the e-book shelves (and will be another 10 weeks still before the trade paperback is out in stores) but already there have been a bunch of great reviews that have turned up. And I’ve been interviewed about the book on Internet radio and…

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The Horror Review – NightWhere

“NightWhere“ is a great new novel from John Everson. Though I highly recommend the book to all fans of horror and suspense, this does come with the warning that the subject matter is extremely graphic and intense in both sexual and violent content. It is never gratuitous, however, for to…

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PETEYBOO is Free for Kids!

TO CELEBRATE MY SON’S 7th birthday this weekend, Amazon is offering the book I wrote for him,  Peteyboo and the Worm, as a free download all weekend.  If you have kids from 5-8 years old (or know parents who do), I hope you’ll download Peteyboo and help them discover the…

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What music do you listen to for XXX?

Originally published on the Samhain Publishing Horror Blog. By John Everson on Jul 12 2012, 2:14 am OK, ADMIT IT. You started reading this because you saw the triple X in the headline, didn’t you?  Well… I have to admit that I was using XXX to indicate a “fill-in”  blank,…

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