Chicks Dig Books – Book Review: NightWhere

17 Jun 2012 By Jen in New Release Reviews Tags: BDSM, demonic, fiction, horror, pleasure and pain, sex, sex club NightWhere by John Everson (Kindle edition 6/5/12, paperback 10/2/12) “Are you the harvester, or the harvest?” A little sexual experimentation is fine, but the wrong kind can get you killed…or worse. …

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Printers Row 2012… Plus!

YESTERDAY, I WAS IN TORONTO, on a short 3-day trip for the day job… the upside was, I got to have dinner at Colum “Paperback Horror” McKnight’s house, and he introduced me to a couple of fellow horror authors — Jason Darrick and Tobin Elliott. And I had a chance…

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NIGHTWHERE debuts today!

MY SIXTH NOVEL, NightWhere, debuts today in e-book format on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and all the other major vendors. If you’re reading this blog and have enjoyed any of my other erotic horror adventures, I hope you’ll take a minute and download a copy of NightWhere today — If…

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DucKon 21: Finally Legal

I WAS AN AUTHOR GUEST this past weekend at DucKon, a local SF/F convention that’s expending its reach a bit into horror these days as well. I was there briefly last year, but this time around (as the con celebrated its 21st year in existence), I was around for the…

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Peteyboo and the Worm

MY SON AND I sometimes tell silly stories to each other, and when he was five, I came up with one that he really liked called Peteyboo and the Worm. He kept asking me to re-tell it to him, and I kept forgetting things each time I did (which he…

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DanCon and Tuesday Funk

THIS IS A FICTION-FILLED WEEK! Tomorrow, on Sunday, March 4, I’ll be hanging out at a table in the “Creator Room” at DanCon at the Orland Park Civic Center in  Orland Park, IL. I’ve been looking forward to this one for months — if you’re in Chicagoland, I hope you’ll…

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Unveiling NightWhere!

THE IDEA FOR THIS ONE goes back a long time. Back in 2002, during the World Horror Convention in Chicago, I remember telling Charlee Jacob that I had this idea for a pretty racy horror novel, but wasn’t sure I could write it. At that point, I’d been trying to…

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Survivor: Marriage

IT STRUCK ME the other day that Marriage is really a lot like the most popular reality show, Survivor. It’s all about Outwitting and Outlasting! So, I give you my proposed new logo for Wedding Chapels and bedrooms…

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