Welcome to the twisted world of ... The 13th.
"Where is the basement," you ask? It's easy to find. It's the door with the red X on it. See the Book Trailer. Don't go there.
While you're avoiding the basement, there are plenty of other places here to explore. You can take a read of the novel's prologue on the Preview page. You can explore the places and characters of The 13th on the interactive Map. You can read some of the novel's blurbs in the Reviews section. You can also visit JohnEverson.com to contact and read more about the author.
But whatever you do... Don't go in the basement.
The third novel from Bram Stoker Award-Winning Author John Everson, The 13th, was first released in 2009 and has since been issued in several editions -- a mass market paperback and e-book from Dorchester Publications, a trade paperback from 47North (available through Amazon.com) and an audio download from Audible.com. There was also a 250-copy limited signed and numbered hardcover edition from Necro Publications, which is sold out. In November 2015, a German translation edition appeared from Festa Verlag.
What's it all about? Here's the cover description:
What was once a haven for the elite is now a madhouse, a private asylum for pregnant women. But are all the patients really insane? And is it just a coincidence that people have begun to disappear from the nearby town? David Shale’s girlfriend is one of the missing, and he’s determined to find the truth behind the mysterious Dr. Rockford and his house of secrets. He will learn the meaning of the red X painted on the basement door…and he will know the ultimate fear, the horror of… THE 13TH.